CMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and design

"The second edition of this comprehensive text contains extensive revisions to reflect recent advances in technology and in circuit design practices. Recognizing that the area of digital integrated circuit design is evolving at an increasingly fast pace, every effort has been made to present state-of-the-art material on all subjects covered in the book."--BOOK JACKET. "This book is primarily designed as a comprehensive text for senior level and first-year graduate level digital circuit design classes, as well as a reference for practicing engineers in the areas of IC design and VLSI."--BOOK JACKET

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. Introduction -- 2. Fabrication of MOSFETs -- 3. MOS transistor -- 4. Modeling of MOS transistors using spice -- 5. MOS inverters: Static characteristics -- 6. MOS inverters: Switching characteristics and interconnect effects -- 7. Combinational MOS logic circuits -- 8. Sequential MOS logic circuits -- 9. Dynamic logic circuits -- 10. Semiconductor memories -- 11. Low-power CMOS logic circuits -- 12. BiCMOS logic circuits -- 13. Chip input and output (I/O) circuits -- 14. VLSI design methodologies -- 15. Design for manufacturability -- 16. Design for testability

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