Description of the "White space between pages" option in Word

In Microsoft Word, you can hide the white space at the top and bottom of each page and reduce the amount of gray space that appears between pages in print layout view. Gray space to the left and right of the page is not affected. This behavior is controlled by the White space between pages option.

When you select the White space between pages option, Word controls the white space of any newly created documents as well as the current document according to the following rules and special cases:
Behavior Explanation

Per Window When the option is set and multiple
documents are open at the same time,
the document with focus is affected; other
open documents are not affected.

Per Document When you save and close a document, the
setting is retained in the document.
If the document is open when you create
a new document, the new document acquires
the setting. For example, if white space
is hidden in the document you open,
white space will be hidden in new
documents you create.

Per user option Set on a per user basis. The setting is
stored in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry
key with other Options settings.

Backwards compatibility If you open the document in Word 2000 or
Word 97, the setting is ignored. However,
because the setting is stored in the
document, you can edit the document in
Word 97 or Word 2000, save the file, and
this setting will not be lost when you
reopen the document in Word 2002 or in a later version.

Special zoom behavior When you zoom to show more than one page
in print layout view, the white space in
the document will be displayed
regardless of the state of the option.
The "White space between pages" option is
unavailable (dimmed). Adjusting the Zoom
percentage to show one page returns the
view to the previous state.

Special page element behavior Adding a page border, page numbers, header,
or footer resets the "White space between
pages" option. To hide the white space,
click to clear the "White space between
pages" check box.

Special process behavior When finding or replacing text or when
proofing the document in the foreground,
if Word finds an item in the header or
footer area, Word switches to Normal view
and displays the item in a pane below the
document. The state of "White space between
pages" option does not change.

More Information

In Microsoft Word 2002 and in Microsoft Office Word 2003, you can use either of the following methods to show or to hide white space:

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, use either of the following methods to show or to hide white space:

If you are hiding the white space, page breaks are still visible and noticeable in the document.