The Police Manager

The Police Manager, 8th Edition, is a major update, with a completely fresh chapter on school resource officers, based on a new case study, and a new chapter on managing high-profile events. Every police agency today faces the possibility of controversy, and the need to train managers to deal appropriately with the media and the public continues to increase. Green, building on the foundation laid by Ronald Lynch in prior editions, gives practical, field-tested guidance to students and professionals who aspire to leadership roles in law enforcement, providing a comprehensive explanation of issues and challenges that they will face as police supervisors. The book is divided into four parts, covering historical and philosophical underpinnings, behavioral aspects of police management, functional aspects of police management, and major issues in modern police work.

This eighth edition is ideal for police management courses in U.S. undergraduate criminal justice programs, as well as for law enforcement practitioners preparing for promotional examinations. The text is also appropriate for broader criminal justice management courses.